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What is Control/SE?
Control/SE creates a new powerful way to use the ISPF editor that makes it simple for the COBOL programmer to quickly understand the flow of the program as to data and process. Business rules are easily interpreted, data analysis is made simple, dead code can be found and eliminated.
By utilizing Control/SE’s simple command structure and operational command words programmers can issue an ISPF Find for Macro functions like Code-Not-Used or Forward-Tracing.
Documenting the complete flow of a single data field is available with one simple FIND command to show the complete flow (and more) on that data field.
Forward tracing shows the flow of the program logic through the Procedure Division.
The programmer can follow the use of nested performs through their looping functions.
Control/SE flags errors such as differences in Reserved Words, all the way back to COBOL 68 or COBOL 74. Now programmers can bring older code up to COBOL Version 6.1 without the fear of introducing errors.
Deliver well-documented COBOL programs for beta and systems testing knowing that the code does not re-introduce old or create new Job Failure possibilities.
Marble Computer has created a simple command structure, with the addition of one character, an ampersand character (&) added to the “Find Command” that works with a program’s data names, paragraph names, and more; making the adoption rate fast and efficient. Control/SE requires very little training.
By using the ampersand character (&), as in ‘Find & Operand’ you, the programmer are now in control of the code, from the Working Storage Section to Procedure Division; including all Record formats as well as all Copybooks.
No compile is necessary prior to using Control/SE. Control/SE produces an alternative compile listing (ACL) that makes the COBOL compiler listing obsolete and the ISPF Control/SE output is viewed under the ISPF editor.